What’s the Value of a Membership in the K & I Model Railroad Club?
Here are just a few of the things your membership brings to your fingertips:
- Access to 2 elaborate HO scale model railroad layouts
- Access to a large inventory of rolling stock
- Access to a Digitrax DCC operating system
- Use of club engines and rolling stock
- Local Hobby Shop discounts
- With your NMRA membership come discounts of up to 45% from over 70 companies
- Join a group of people with similar interests
- Meet people from all walks of life
- Join the Model Railroad Hobby with a smaller investment
- 24/7/365 access to the Clubhouse
- Opportunity to see equipment before making a purchase
- Learn about prototype and model railroad history
- Learn about how prototype railroads affect our economy
- Learn about the logistics of moving materials and manufactured goods
Opportunity for a learning experience with experts in:
- Basic engineering
- Layout planning
- Electrical and wiring applications
- Computer skills
- DCC (we use Digitrax)
- Track laying
- Carpentry (benchwork)
- Aesthetic / scenic design
- Operating Sessions
- Building rolling stock
- Building structures
Why join the K & I ?
Where else can you get so much for such a small investment ?